The raid full movie english version
The raid full movie english version

the raid full movie english version

The movie opens with a SWAT team in Indonesia prepping for the raid of a 15-story building located in the absolute worst part of the town – an area so bad that the police won't even come within blocks of it.

the raid full movie english version

If this cut held an MPAA rating, it would most likely be NC-17 for a few very quick, disturbingly graphic shots of morbid violence. The required cut footage from the R-rated version has been restored. I never saw the R-rated theatrical cut that Sony Pictures Classics released domestically in April 2012, but I'm glad that the original cut from Sundance is what's featured on the Blu-ray.

the raid full movie english version the raid full movie english version

Despite being almost non-stop action, 'The Raid' never loses your attention, it never gets repetitive, and it constantly makes you giggle due to its extreme violence - and, yes, it's exceptionally violent. That's what you're getting with 'The Raid.' While the thought of a highly concentrated action movie may make you fearful of the experience, there's no need to worry. Do you remember that iconic hammer/hallway fight scene in 'Oldboy?' Now, imagine the violence, stylization and jaw-dropping awesomeness of that ferocious scene, only extended for a solid 101 minutes. 'The Raid' – now known as 'The Raid: Redemption' – is a high-octane action/martial arts flick that makes ' Oldboy' look like a kid's movie. Although 'The Raid' had already hit the festival circuit a few months before Sundance (it premiered at the 2011 Toronto International Film Festival), it's one title that, when I saw it, I walked away with the pride of being able to say, "I saw it at Sundance." I take pride in having seen ' (500) Days of Summer' and ' Moon' at their Sundance premieres. Each year there are a few movies at Sundance that become exceptionally hyped, causing mainstream angst while film-lovers await distribution.

The raid full movie english version